Jennifer Hudson "Najivunia kupungua uzito kuliko tuzo yangu ya Oscar"
Emma Stone amefunguka na kusema "It's a fake farm, but it doesn't feel fake, Jimmy. I was leaving dinners to harvest." Na kwa maneno hayo anasema ndio maana alijitoa Facebook.
Amber Heard amefunguka na kusema "To say I came out implies that I was once in. Let me be straight about that – no pun intended [laughs] – I never came out from anywhere." Nyota huyo wa klabu ya Play Boy ameyasema hayo huku akitanabaisha kuwa huwa hafichi mahusiano yake lakini anapenda kuyafanya maisha yake binafsi kuwa ya siri.
Nae Nicole "snooki" Pollizi amefunguka na kushare na mashabiki wake mambo yake ya faragha kwa kusema "When I'm really excited about something, I poop."
Kate nae anafunguka hivi kuhusiana na suala la watoto "[Kate said] she will now devote more time to motivational speaking. Why not? She's already motivated millions of people to not have kids.
Caroline Gonzalez msichana mwenye umri wa nyundo 11 anafunguka na kusema "I like his music and I like him. And I thought, why not have a street in my hometown named after my favorite singer?" Aliyasema hayo wakati akiupatia mtaa jina katika kitongoji cha Forney jijini Texas, alipochaguliwa kuwa meya wa siku moja.
Tyra Banks nae anafunguka kuhusiana na harusi ya Kim Kardashian inayotarajiwa hivi karibuni "Nothing! A kiss and a congratulations."
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